Chapter 2: Why?


A short walk from the school is a coffee shop where you can get a good cup of tea. The shop has a relaxed and rustic atmosphere. Inside, there are shelves and counters full of literary works, perhaps the owner’s hobby. 

I opened the door and entered the shop, where Hayasaka-san was sitting in the back, happily drinking tea. Hayasaka-san loves to drink tea. As she held the cup with both hands while blowing on it, she looked very tender.

-Hello, Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san waved cheerfully when she saw me. I sat down across from her and ordered a coffee.


I held out a plastic umbrella as I said:

-Hayasaka-san, you put this in front of the club room, didn’t you?

-I hope it helped you.

-You didn’t have to. 

-It was nothing. If I can help Kirishima-kun, I will. 

-You helped me the other day, remember?

During the break, some of the guys made jokes about Hayasaka-san’s body. They all had to do with eroticism. And the worst part was that they were talking so loudly that she could hear everything. 

Before I knew it, I was kicking a trash can and then arguing with the boys about such reprehensible behavior. After that, they all said things like, “Kirishima likes Hayasaka. And that went on for the whole recess.

-After what you did, it’s no wonder people talk about how much you like me.

-That is true.

-But it wouldn’t be good if Tachibana-san thought that too. 

-I was actually asked if I was attracted to you. 

-And what did you say?

-I said I wasn’t in love with you. In other words, I lied, and it was a little painful. 

-You did the right thing.

Hayasaka-san replied with a smile.

-Although you and Tachibana-san are in the research club, right?

Hayasaka-san said while fiddling with the teacup in her hand. Her expression is the same as always, but I can feel the sadness emanating from her. 

-I would like to hear more about you two. Have you gotten to know each other?

-Are you sure?

I felt a little uncomfortable talking to Hayasaka-san about my relationship with Tachibana-san. But she smiled and gave me an unexpected answer.

-Yes, I want to hear it.

Tachibana-san goes to the club every day after school to practice the piano in the music room next door. And when she finishes, she goes to the club room and reads a foreign crime novel. 

Maybe it’s because I get nervous or because Tachibana-san is very quiet, but we don’t usually talk much. The only thing we’ve talked about is the piano she plays. 

-What is your favorite song?


-You can hear her, can’t you? When she plays the piano next door.


-What is your favorite song?

-Well… There’s one she’s been playing a lot lately. “A Sigh”… by Liszt.

And so it is with everything we do. After Tachibana-san finished her novel, we chatted for a while, without going any further. 

-And does she have any skills?


-Ah, so she’s a word cheat.


Come to think of it, there was one day when we talked more than usual. It was after school and it was pouring.


-Hey, President. 

Tachibana-san called, sitting across from me on the couch, holding out a very special notebook that this club is famous for all over the school.

-It is a manual on love, written by a former student of the institute.

-Yes, they say that love and mystery are the same thing.

-Yes, represented by the three elements: how, who and why.

How, who and why. With this book you will learn how to make someone fall in love with you and how to find out who is the one you like.

-But there are a lot of blank pages.

-That’s probably because the “why” in love is not a simple answer.

Why did you fall for this person? Of course, there are many answers: their looks, their personality, their kindness, or even their reliability.

-But even if you like someone because they’re nice, if someone else were just as nice to you, you wouldn’t necessarily like them.

The person I fell in love with was just nice to me.

-And that’s what makes love and mystery similar.

Tachibana-san replied, “Why do you say it like that? Did you commit a crime and don’t want to say it? 

-But love is different.


-You don’t need a reason to fall in love.


-Besides, I think it is unreasonable to ask why. Not only in love, but in everything.

It’s not fair for you to say that when I have a strong urge to say those very words to you. I would like to ask Tachiaba-san, who is standing in front of me, “Why? Why did you join this club?

But I didn’t want to ruin this delicate moment, so I didn’t say anything. 

-Feelings come first, reasons come later. 

-You don’t fall in love with someone because they’re pretty or cool. You love someone because they are kind and understanding.

-I see.

-So, what is it like to fall in love?

Tachibana-san asks me with a serious look on her face.

-How can you say that when you are in a relationship?


It sounds like she’s never loved anyone before. 

As she thinks about it, she leans forward and I can’t help but see through the collar of her shirt. 

I think I’m about to see her underwear. But before that could happen, Tachibana-san said something shocking. 

-All you have to do is tell me how you feel about Hayasaka-san.


I feel like time has stopped.

-You like Hayasaka-san, don’t you?

-What are you talking about?

-Everyone said that today at lunch.

-Oh, well.

What a relief, he still doesn’t know about my secret relationship with Hayasaka-san. So I’m still out of danger.

-You argued with the boys because you were upset that they talked about her that way.

-It was just an act of common sense. 

-There is a difference between kindness and romantic feelings.

-So you’re not in love with Hayasaka-san?

-That is correct.

-But you’ve been in love before.

-Also true.

-If so, please tell me.

Tachibana-san approaches me. Her hair hangs beautifully in front of her.

-What does it feel like to like someone? What kind of feeling can you have when you love someone?

Tachibana-san’s words and actions were those of a girl who had never been in love. I was perplexed and tried to respond.

-Your heart is pounding.

-I see.

Tachibana-san became a little pensive at my words.

-Have you ever been excited, Tachibana-san?

-I wasn’t really aware of it, but, well, maybe I have.

But she has a boyfriend. What do those words mean? When I couldn’t resist asking her, Tachibana-san opened the love notebook and put it on the coffee table.

-President, let’s do this. 

This is the “How To” section of the Love Notes. How to make someone fall in love with you. In other words, it’s a page on how to seduce someone.

-The hundred ways to make her heart beat. 

The name of the book makes it hard to believe that the author has an IQ of 180, and the content is typical of shoujo manga where the protagonist uses the kabedon, also known as the wall slam.

And that’s a kind of trick I can’t use because I’m not good-looking. I’m too embarrassed.

-I wish I was more excited.

-Even if you say so….

Maybe Tachibana-san has never been in love. If that is the case, it is possible that the relationship she has with her boyfriend is fake.

But even if it’s a fake relationship, in terms of public values, you shouldn’t do things like that with someone who has a boyfriend. So…

-It’s time for me to go home, it’s starting to rain. 


Tachibana-san gets up from her seat and prepares to leave. 

-I feel like I’m asking for trouble.

-It’s okay, I don’t feel like you’re trouble.

-President,” she sounded worried.

So it’s my fault that it ended like this.

-I won’t ask you to do it again.

She left the club room with a sad look on her face. I feel like I’ve hurt her and my heart aches. I don’t know what to do, I guess I’ll just have to live with it.

I slapped my cheeks with both hands to get out of my sad state. I put one hand in my pocket and put my foot on the wall to block Tachibana-san’s exit.

-W-Wait a minute!

Tachibana-san seemed surprised by my sudden attitude, because she reacted with an “Aah”. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a bright expression on her face. 

-An Ashidon…?

When the heroine is about to leave, it is the MC’s duty to stop her by force. And the key to Ashidons is to hold your leg up while pressing it hard against the wall, all the while keeping the tone of your voice and the gestures of your whole body in a violent and imposing manner. 

That was what was written in the book. 

-President, you are very energetic. 

-You will stay until the rain is over.

-It makes me a little nervous.

-I just want you to stay here for a while.

I have always been aware of an image of the world that does not exist, and I always try to fit into it. That’s why I try to be original, at least in love.

-Then let’s do it.

-Yes, let’s do it.

And that’s how it happened.


First, it was decided that we’d do the basic kabedon. I had Tachibana-san stand in front of the wall. My height is just over 5’7″ and Tachibana-san’s is 5’6″. So of course my eyes were looking down. 

-Even if it’s a way to get you excited, I don’t think it’s entirely useful if the act depends on only one person and only one of us can enjoy it.

-On the other hand, it’s possible for the President to get excited, isn’t it?

Oh, Tachibana-san, when you say things like that, you make my world spin.

-Well, to clarify, what I’m going to do now is everything that’s usually used in shoujo manga. Personally, I don’t think any girl would get excited about that.

-What if she did?

-Only a child would get excited about that.

-I see.

-Okay… Here I come! 

I put my hand against the wall next to Tachibana-san’s face. But all I heard was a sound made when a soft object is hit by something solid, making me feel like an idiot. And Tachibana-san nods her head after what happened. 

-It was pretty boring. Nothing compared to what you did with your foot. 

But that wasn’t all, Tachibana-san went on.

-There is one thing missing, Chairman. Say a great line while you’re at it.

-I could have done that, but the act of improvising made it all sudden and embarrassing at the same time. 

-I’m the one who’s embarrassed. 

I’m surprised she said that, because most of the time her face is completely blank.

-Well, okay, I’ll do it again. But don’t make fun of it. 

-Of course.

Again. I slam my hand against the wall with great force as I say;

-Just look at me.

I put my embarrassment aside. And Tachibana-san nodded with a fine expression of excitement.

-Okay. Let’s do the Hijidon. 

I seem to have done well.

-Try to change your lines every time we do it. A little effort won’t hurt.

-All right. 

Tachibana-san is very particular about these things. Maybe she’s an artist in disguise.

-Let’s go.

Next, I leaned my elbow against the wall. This technique is similar to Kabedon. But unlike Kabedon, the distance between us is smaller than when I use my hand. 

-I won’t let you go tonight.

She looked me straight in the eye and never flinched. Up close, Tachibana-san’s eyes were transparent like glass, and her beauty was unreal. 

-Did that excite you?


Suddenly, she tugged on my tie. Our faces came closer until we were face to face. Her long lashes, her beautiful white cheeks. Everything about her was perfect.

-Hey, are you excited?

Tachibana-san asked me. I’m so excited that it’s hard for me to answer, but even if he hadn’t done this to me, I would still be excited. After all, Tachibana-san is my favorite person in the whole world. 

-Tachibana-san W-Why the Nekukui?

-It was written in the notebook.

Nekukui is a technique in which a girl pulls a boy’s tie so that they face each other. 

-Tachibana-san is quite an attractive person. 

-Let’s continue.

And just like that, we both performed the techniques of the love notebook one after another. We also used the headphones together. We each took a page and listened to the same songs together. Of course, all this was done without physical contact. 

It is a well-known fact that Tachibana-san does not touch men. When she meets someone between the desks, she turns her slender body upright to avoid hitting him, and when a male teacher tries to put his hand on her shoulder, she puts the tip of her mechanical pencil on her shoulder to control him.

I lay down on the couch, exhausted from all the tests he gave me to make my heart beat faster. And right away, Tachibana-san came over and sat by my side.

-Finally, a man to lean on.

Katazun, a situation in which a man rests his head on a woman’s shoulder. It is said that the man’s weakness and gentleness are emotional.

-Are you sure?


I sat down again and put my head on Tachibana-san’s shoulder.

I can feel her thin body. I wish I could say something about it, but I feel like I would ruin it.

The sound of the rain outside the window is soothing. Suddenly, Tachibana-san touches my head with her other hand, as if she wants to caress me. 


I want to know what you mean by that, so I’ll ask you. Despite everything, I was the only one who was nervous. While Tachibana-san was still expressionless as usual.

-What is going on?

She had a puzzled look on her face as she asked. Tachibana-san seemed to be doing this out of pure curiosity.

-It is time for me to go home.

-I see.

Without saying a word, we turned away from each other, ending the club’s activities. I got ready to go home and left the club room. 

When I opened the door, I heard a bang as if something had fallen. It was a plastic umbrella. 

It looks like someone was here. It wasn’t long before they left.

-Tachibana-san, do you have an umbrella?

I said as I picked up the plastic umbrella. Tachibana-san looked into her bag and answered after a short pause.

-I don’t have one.


-I’m glad the umbrella came in handy.

Hayasaka-san looks at the umbrella as she says these words. 

-And you both used the same umbrella, right?


Why are you so curious? I can’t even tell Hayasaka-san half of what happened between me and Tachibana-san. 

She might have passed by the club room out of curiosity, and since it was raining and I had Tachibana-san’s company, she thought it would be a good idea to leave the umbrella in front of the club room. 

So I just told her that we used the umbrella to go home together. I didn’t mention anything about the kabedon or that I had put my head on her shoulder.

If I told her that I got along well with Tachibana-san, it might hurt Hayasaka-san. Although I think I’m conceited to think that way.

-And how did it go?

-It was a little awkward. It was hard to walk close without touching each other’s shoulders.

-I see.

-There was no need for you to let me have the umbrella. 

I know it is difficult for you to help me with Tachibana-san.

-No problem. Kirishima-kun always helps me, so I wanted to do the same for you. By the way… Are you still looking at Tachibana-san’s boyfriend’s social media?

-Yes, it has become a habit. 

Hayasaka-san knows about my strange habit. And it’s not something I told him, in fact, that’s how our relationship started.

It was in May, two months ago, when I had not even had a conversation with Hayasaka-san.


My phone had fallen on the platform. Hayasaka-san, who was nearby, picked it up and handed it to me. At that moment, he saw the picture of Tachibana-san on the screen. 

-Kirishima-kun, do you like Tachibana-san? 

I nodded at those words. Surely she had already noticed that my gaze was always on Tachibana-san. 

-And I like you too.

I said that to hide my embarrassment at finding out who the person I loved was. 

-Why are you looking at me like that?

When I asked such a question, Hayasaka-san’s face turned red and she answered jokingly.

-Because I like you too, Kirishima-kun.


And that’s how our relationship started.

As I was thinking about it. The waiter noticed that my cup was empty, and I went back to order more coffee. 

-I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to keep doing that, Kirishima-kun.


-Doesn’t it bother you to always see a picture of Tachibana-san and her boyfriend getting along?

-Yes, it makes it very painful. 

-Exactly. It’s bad for your health.

-But the more I suffer, the more real my feelings for Tachibana-san become. 

-Kirishima-kun, I only want the best for you.

-I know. Thank you, Hayasaka-san, but I’m fine.

I picked up my phone as I said these words. I somehow know what’s going on.

I opened the social networking site and saw a selfie of Tachibana-san’s friend doing the Kabedon. 

I see… So she practiced with me and then did it with her boyfriend. It’s normal for her to want to feel something like that with her boyfriend. 

-Kirishima-kun, are you okay?

-Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just seeing something interesting.

-You can’t tell me you’re okay with that look on your face.

Hayasaka-san stepped on my foot with those words.

-Can I be honest with you?


-I really like it when Kirishima-kun is depressed because of Tachibana-san.

-Hayasaka-san, you’re a little twisted, aren’t you?

-Yes. There is a part of me that wants to support you, Kirishima-kun. But there’s also a part of me that’s jealous of Tachibana-san. That’s why I’m happy when you’re depressed.

She paused for a moment and then continued.

-And when I saw her profile, I felt a little relieved. I knew I could still be Kirishima-kun’s girlfriend.

-Well, I really doubt that anything will happen between me and Tachibana-san right now.

-Still no chance?

-Yes. Tachibana-san doesn’t seem to be interested in me. 

-I’m sorry, I thought the umbrella was a good idea. I feel like a bad girl.

-That sounds great.

That’s how we are. We both love each other so much that we want to support each other’s love, but we also want to make sure that they don’t leave us.

-Let’s not think about that too much. Let’s just focus on our weekend plans. 


That was the purpose of our meeting. In the quiet of the restaurant, over the sound of coffee being served, we discussed what we were going to do over the weekend. 

The only time we could fit it in was Saturday morning, so we decided to go out together. In the afternoon, Hayasaka-san had an appointment with her senpai.

-Don’t you like the idea, Kirishima-kun?


-Yeah, since I’m going to leave you and go with my senpai.

-Ah, that’s okay, no problem.

-Kirishima-kun, I don’t like that you’re almost not jealous of me. Is it because I know you are in love with Tachibana-san? You don’t even know who I’m in love with.

-Well, I guess there’s some truth to that.

The person Hayasaka-san is in love with goes to another school, so I hardly see him.

-But Kirishima-kun, it’s okay to be jealous once in a while.

-I will do it next time.

-Huh… Well, okay.

After making plans for the weekend, we left the store and walked home holding hands.

Hayasaka-san enjoyed the feel of my hands in different grips. 

-I like touching Kirishima-kun.

-Do you think this is too much?

-No, it’s not, I have to keep experimenting.

-You should restrain yourself.

-Hmm? Do you want me to?

After those words, the next thing I felt was Hayasaka-san hugging me.

-Hayasaka-san, this is not good. It doesn’t matter how far away we are from school. ….

-Hey, Kirishima-kun. I wish you could come to my house again.

-Are you listening to me?

-I feel that the more I touch you, the more I know you.

-For some chimpanzees, skin-to-skin contact is the only way to avoid conflict…


Hayasaka-san’s eyes lit up at these words. I think I said too much.

-Then let’s have a lot of skin-to-skin contact. Let’s get rid of all our conflicts!

Hayasaka-san said as she walked up to me and pressed her face into mine, hugging me tightly.

The sun was setting and the air smelled like a summer night. For some reason, my heart was beating fast.

Summer is the time for festivals in the city and fireworks, so maybe we subconsciously expect something fun to happen.

Hayasaka-san trusts me completely. And yet, in my conversation with Hayasaka-san…. I lied to her.

The first lie is when I told her that I didn’t know who her senpai was. In fact, I know him and we get along very well.

And the second one was about Tachibana-san. I told her that things were not going well between the two of them. But the reality is different.


-Tachibana-san, do you have an umbrella?

-No, I don’t.

After a few moments of looking at each other in the rain-swept street, I decided to make the first move.

-Do you want to walk to the station with me?

Tachibana-san nods silently. We walk together, sharing the plastic umbrella as if it were second nature. I am surprised by her natural expression as she stands next to me.

-You don’t have to be so far away from me. 

Tachibana-san lifts the edge of the umbrella with her fingers.

-President, your shoulder is getting wet.

If she says so, I guess it’s okay. I moved to the center of the umbrella to be better protected from the rain. When I walked next to her, our shoulders collided. 

I guess Tachibana-san is a girl who has never really been in love. So being so close to each other doesn’t mean anything to her.

But things are different, she feels more like a love interest and is learning to feel different emotions. She seems to be a more sensitive girl than me, and I am sure she will be more open soon.

I wonder what kind of girl I’ll see when that happens.

-We did a lot of things today.

-Yes, it was very exciting.

-Yes, President, not bad, you got this little girl excited. 

-I guess so.

I can smell the fresh scent of Tachibana-san beside me. On the other hand, I’m sweating. Being under an umbrella next to her makes me feel uncomfortable and I try to move away a little. But before I could, Tachibana-san tugged at my shirt sleeve.

-You’re going to get wet.


It’s like she was telling me to stay close. So I decided to walk the same distance. 

It’s not only our shoulders that collide. Tachibana-san’s sleeves brush against my arm, as does her long hair.

My attention is focused on that. Tachibana-san was as carefree as ever. 

When we arrived at the station, we got separated at the ticket office because we were going in opposite directions.


Tachibana-san waved to me. Her movements were quite natural, as was her cheerful expression.

It’s nice to see a girl who doesn’t usually smile. Tachibana-san turned around and said;

-President, do you want to know something?

-What is it?

-I think I can be a good girl.


-I was worried about you.

said Maki, the student council president. It was lunchtime and I was in the club room studying for my final exam when he came in.

-Kirishima-kun, you’re crazy.


-For looking at Tachibana’s boyfriend’s social network.

-Oh, that.

-I’m surprised you’re taking it so well.

I’m not the only one looking at that guy’s profile. The Kabedon photo he took with Tachibana-san was very damaging to many of her suitors.

Now their mentally disturbed bodies are all over the school building.

-I see that some still refuse to accept the truth.

-They are stubborn and still think they have a chance with her.

-Was there ever any hope?

-Tachibana-san doesn’t like to be touched, does she? And it looks like her boyfriend hasn’t done it yet.

Today, when her boyfriend reached out to stop her in the hallway, she ducked and dodged beautifully. It seems that many people have seen this scene.

-But they still have a long way to go just to be her boyfriend.

While we were talking, we heard footsteps approaching the club.

The door opened and Tachibana-san came in. She was carrying her study materials in her hand. Lately, she comes here at lunchtime. 

-Well, I have to go.

Maki left the club room and I was left alone with Tachibana-san.

-What did they talk about?

-Nothing interesting.


Tachibana-san sits on the sofa and unfolds her textbook and notebook. She seems to be working very hard.

She is a girl who is good at music and art, but not so good at other subjects. Chemistry, world history, and math, to be exact. 

I thought she was a pretty good all-around girl because of her cold expression and meticulous thinking, but the reality was different. She is quite different from Hayasaka-san, who always scores above average in all subjects.

After a few moments of reading her book, she began to grumble. Bored with studying, she sat down on the couch and fell asleep.

Even when she sleeps, she looks like a rather elegant and unattainable girl. But no matter how much I look at her and think about her, I will never be able to decipher what she is thinking and feeling. 

I fiddled with my phone and looked at Tachibana-san’s boyfriend’s social media again.

There were all kinds of pictures with her. And no matter how many you looked at, there was not one where he had physical contact with her.

I had many questions about this. Why wasn’t there a photo of them touching each other?

Doesn’t she like it when her boyfriend does it?

When she opened her bag in front of the club room the other day, there was an umbrella inside. Why did she hide the fact that she had one?

But in the end, I couldn’t ask her anything, and I just watched her sleeping face.


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